Reading Hebrews 2:10 and it says in part …God, for whom and through whom everything exists… And it just made me think… wow, if we could just get a hold of that. That God made everything and that it is all made for him! We’re not here for ourselves. We’re not important because of what we do and who we know, and what we wear and what we drive, and what we have… we’re only important for one reason.
And that reason is that God made us for himself and he views each one of us as equally important. We’re all here for his purpose. Not a single one of us is redundant or superfluous.
We all have something to add to this world. Some gift or talent, or ability or propensity that fits into God’s great plan. And when we think we’re important for any other reason, that’s when the trouble starts. That’s where we get it wrong.
It’s our own pride to think that anything we do well is because of our own effort. Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17 If you’re good at something it’s not because of you. It’s because God gifted you with that thing. And you’re expected to use it for his glory!
God, for whom and through whom everything exists…
He didn’t just give it to you to keep for yourself! It’s not for you. It’s for his glory. And he glories the most when we do for others. When we take something we have and use it to help one of his other children.
Nothing makes a parent happier than when someone is willing to help their child, or say something, or do something to make their child feel better or fit in. It’s a great joy and comfort to know someone else out there is looking out for our kids. A teacher, a coach, a friend, a neighbor, whomever. God feels the exact same way about each and every one of us. And he’s gifted us uniquely and he’s placed us exactly where we’re at, to do the most good.
God, for whom and through whom everything exists…
If only we could see that each one of us is a vital part of the puzzle. In God’s eyes, the janitor is no less important than the CEO; the street sweeper no less important than the president. We are called to do what we are made to do. What’s that thing you love that people keep telling you you are good at? What’s that thing that brings you joy or satisfaction? What’s something that comes so easy to you, it feels like breathing? God won’t force us, but he calls us. He made you for a purpose.